How a beauty salon decreased no-show rate via personalized video appointment reminders from the owner

September 4, 2024

The Customer

Unicorn Hair

Industry: Beauty Salon

Location: Dallas, TX

Delivery channel: Email

Actor: Salon owner Rocky


  • Dynamic text on an object (mug)
  • Static text: appointment time, contacts
  • AI voice cloning & lip sync.

Lip sync and voice cloning variables:  @name


  • Reduced no-show rates from 30% to almost 0%
  • 30% increase in lead conversions

Customer feedback

We were founded to bring best-in-class artificial intelligence solutions to the hair extensions industry. We recently selected to facilitate personalized video solutions for enhanced lead generation, which resulted in an immediate 30% increase in lead conversions. We plan to fully integrate solutions into our software platform and we’re excited about the possibilities this solution creates.”
David Wareikis, CEO of Unicorn Hair

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