Video Prospecting: The Modern Salesperson's Secret Weapon

September 7, 2024

The Modern Salesperson's Secret Weapon

Picture this: you’re a sales pro, working day and night to ensure that your cold email is unique. Your prospects? They receive numerous emails, messages on LinkedIn and cold calls on a daily basis. Failing to get to the prospect is enough to make even the most determined salesperson start wondering about his or her approach.

But here’s the thing—you’re not just another cog in the sales machine. You are an innovator, who is always in the search of the next big strategy. This is why you discovered this blog about video prospecting with Studio by Gan.AI. The personalized video prospecting approach is what will help you get through the noise, establish genuine connections, and reduce your sales cycle more than anything else.

In this guide, we are going to be taking a closer look at video prospecting. Breaking down as to why it is the future of sales, and how you can use Studio by Gan.AI to get the best results.

Here we go, because it is time to bring your sales to the next level.

Crafting an Unforgettable First Impression

In sales, the first impression is the most important thing that a person can make. When you are introducing yourself or contacting a prospect the goal is not only to get their attention but to build your brand. One that lays the framework for a business relationship that is based on trust and is mutually value-creating.

But it is even more challenging today to break through all the clutter and create a first impression that matters. Their inbox is full, they have little patience and they have been through all sorts of sales pitches. How then can you differentiate yourself and make them focus on you?

Video is the answer. Through the use of visuals and audio, video enables you to make the best first impression that you can ever make. This is why it is not surprising that 91% of businesses have already included videos in their marketing mix as stated by Wyzowl. However, while marketing departments have been using video for quite some time now, the same cannot be said for the sales departments. That is where Studio by Gan.AI comes in to help sales professionals grow to the next level and even leapfrog their competition.

When you use Studio by GanAI, to send a personalized video message to a prospect, something extraordinary happens. You are no longer an anonymous person in their list of contacts, and they are no longer anonymous to you. You are instead a lively, complex individual with a unique character and a genuine desire to provide a solution. Now that automation is making interactions more and more impersonal, the human touch is priceless—and Studio by Gan.AI is here to deliver.

Your Secret Weapon for Cutting Through the Clutter

Why is video so powerful for sales prospecting in the first place? It all boils down to one critical factor: its capacity to cut through the noise.

Consider this: it was reported by Campaign Monitor that the average office worker receives 121 emails per day. That’s 121 opportunities for the carefully prepared sales pitch to be buried in the sand. Admit it, most of those emails are never to be read and are immediately deleted without even a second glance.

Video on the other hand is a different ball game altogether. Just adding the word “video” to the subject line of your email opens up a whole new range of opportunities. Open rates rise by 6%. These are not just vanity metrics, they are the way to make sure your message gets read and acted upon rather than deleted into oblivion of the spam folder. And with Studio by Gan. AI, creating and sending these impactful videos is streamlined and efficient, allowing you to focus on what you do best: Selling.

However, the use of video is not limited to simply getting your foot in the door. It has the ability to stay with people even after they have pressed play long ago. Insivia notes that an average viewer is likely to retain 95% of a message if it is presented in a video format as opposed to 10% if it is read in text format. What this means is that not only are you likely to get your message to the eyes of your prospect but also likely to remain fresh in their mind when they are ready to make their purchase. Personalizing your video with Studio by Gan. AI makes it so that your video content is not only viewed but also retained.

Building Trust and Accelerating Your Sales Cycle with Video

Well done, you’ve got the first impression right and have managed to stand out from the rest of the noise. Your prospect is intrigued. They're leaning in. They want to know more. What's next?

This is where the true beauty of video prospecting comes into play. Once you have engaged your prospect, you have a chance to establish trust, form a relationship, and move through the sales cycle faster than is possible using conventional prospecting techniques.

Think about your most recent effort to establish rapport with a prospect through email. It probably would have taken several messages and replies just to set a simple connection, right? Even then, measuring their true level of engagement or interest always remains a problem. With video, however, you can build that same level of rapport in a fraction of the time, and Studio by Gan. AI offers comprehensive analytics for you to gauge how engaged is your prospect with the videos you’re sending them.

It is also important to note that there is something intrinsically more powerful about being able to look someone in the eye, hear their voice, and feel their passion that certainly speeds up the process of building trust. All of a sudden, you are not just another salesperson who wants to close a sale. Instead, you are a consultant, an expert, a collaborator who has a stake in their success. Well, my friend, isn’t that is the ultimate goal of any sales relationship.

The data bears this out. According to Wyzowl, 91% of people have watched an explainer video to know more about a product or a service. This goes to show how effective video is in educating the prospects, demonstrating your expertis, and communicating your value proposition in a way that simple text cannot. With Studio by Gan.AI, creating these impactful explainer videos becomes an easy process.

When it comes to shortening your sales cycle, there is no tool that can be compared to video. Campaign Monitor found out that the addition of video to your sales emails can increase click-through rates by about 65%. This means that more prospects are going to engage with your content, reply at a faster rate, and more deals are going to be signed in record time.

Why Video Prospecting is a No-Brainer for Your Bottom Line

You might be thinking, “This all sounds great in theory, but what about the bottom line? Is video prospecting truly worth the investment?”

In a word, absolutely. But do not take my word for it. Just look at the numbers.

First, let’s discuss response rates. A study by SalesLoft showed that the use of personalized video emails can increase the response rate by a whopping 26% compared to the usual plain text emails. In real-life terms, for every 100 videos you send, you will be able to start 26 more conversations than you would with plain text. And, in the context of sales, more responses mean more chances to make a sale and meet sales targets.

But it’s not about starting more conversations, of course. It’s about having more meaningful conversations. Wistia found out that the viewers are willing to spend 1.4x more time on pages that contain video than on the pages that do not. This means your prospects are more engaged, more invested, and more likely to retain your message long after they’ve navigated away from your site. Studio by Gan.AI provides you with insights on all the metrics right from page loads, video plays, watch time, and everything in between. So that you can make the right decisions based on the data collected.

The bottom line? Video prospecting is not just some flash-in-the-pan gimmick. This is a strategy that has been proven to work when it comes to revenue generation, building better relations, and even outpacing your competitors. If you're not on board with tools like Studio by Gan.AI, well, you're essentially leaving money on the table.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Video Prospecting Done Right

Okay, so you are convinced of the possibilities of video prospecting. But how do you make a video that people don’t just watch but also compel them to take action and get results?

Here's a step-by-step guide to crafting the perfect prospecting video:

  1. Start with a bang. You have a mere 3 seconds to capture your prospect's attention before they move on to the next. Make every second count. Lead with a bold statement, a thought-provoking question, or a personalized hook that demonstrates you've done your research.

  2. Keep it concise. Your prospects are busy. They are not willing to listen to a 10-minute speech. Ideally, you should keep it between 60 and 90 seconds at most. This means being as brief as possible, laser-focused on your value proposition, and making them want more.

  3. Make it all about them. Remember, your prospect doesn’t give a hoot about you or your product. They are interested in themselves and their issues. Make your video about their pain points, show them that you understand their problems, and that you have the right solution for it. With Studio by Gan.AI, you can personalize the video to call out to the prospect or mention the company to give your video that extra punch.

  4. Include a clear call-to-action (CTA). Do not let your prospect be in the dark about what is expected of him or her next. Tell them explicitly. Regardless of whether you’re scheduling a meeting, providing a download, or simply responding to an email, make sure your CTA is obvious, persuasive, and actionable.

  5. Put your best face forward. It is not necessary to have a Hollywood crew to make a good prospecting video as many people tend to think. But you do need to spend some time and effort in how you present yourself. Choose a location with good lighting, reduce the amount of noise, and be yourself. The real thing is always better than the imitation no matter how well done it is.

Addressing Common Concerns About Video Prospecting

People do not like change, I understand that fully. To some of the salespeople, the thought of shooting a video of themselves is enough to make them cringe. Here is the thing, the benefits of video prospecting outweigh the risks. So, with a little practice and preparation, you’ll be able to start nailing your video outreach.

Here are some common concerns about video prospecting and how to overcome them:

  • "I'm just not comfortable on camera." The idea of being in your own sales video might sound quite off-putting at first. But here's the secret: your prospects do not anticipate that you will be perfect in your video. They expect authenticity. Be yourself, embrace the butterflies, and don’t forget: it is better to have done it imperfectly than not having done it at all. Studio by Gan.AI has a built-in on-screen teleprompter that can assist you in the video-making process.

  • "I don't have time to create individual videos for every prospect." Capturing and sharing videos can be quite daunting especially if you intend to customize them as well. But it doesn’t have to be. Studio by Gan.AI makes it easy to quickly create and personalize videos for each prospect from a single video. And, you can share that video with a personalized landing page too!

  • "I'm just not tech-savvy enough to pull this off." Here is the thing about video prospecting, it doesn’t have to be perfect. All you need is a laptop and a good source of light and you are good to go. Once you are more comfortable, you can then start to spend more money on equipment and production tools to make your videos even better. Studio by Gan.AI is designed to be intuitive and accessible, even for those who aren’t tech-savvy, ensuring that anyone can produce high-quality videos with ease.

Real-World Example of Video Prospecting in Action

If you're still not convinced that video prospecting is worth the effort, let's examine some real-world success stories from sales teams just like yours.

Tourhero: This travel platform sought to streamline its sales outreach process, which previously required manually recording personalized videos for each prospect. This method proved to be highly inefficient and time-consuming. Studio by Gan.AI enabled them to send personalized video messages to prospects after they completed a form on the website. 

These videos were tailored with the recipient's name, company, and referral channel, and were delivered via email and personalized web pages. This solution resulted in a 5x increase in booked meetings and reduced the time spent on outreach by 3x, significantly improving efficiency while preserving a personal touch.

Why Every Salesperson Needs to Embrace Video Prospecting Today

Here's the hard truth: sales as we know it is shifting, and video is one of the key drivers of this shift. What was effective yesterday will not be effective tomorrow. If you are not changing with the new reality then you are bound to lag behind.

But here's the good news: it is not too late to get on board. By embracing video prospecting today with Studio by Gan.AI, you have the opportunity to be a trailblazer in your industry. To stand out from the crowd, cultivate deeper relationships with your prospects, and drive more revenue than you ever thought possible

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