Record unlimited videos
& personalize them with ease
Book more meetings, share ideas faster, close more deals with personalized videos recorded from our lifetime-free video recorder

Millions of videos generated for 1,000s
of customers

Lifetime free screen & camera recorder
Record lightning fast and easy using our web app or Chrome Extension
Why Choose Us?
Logo for Gan
Camera & screen recorder
Chrome Extension
Number of videos
25 only
Video length
5 mins/video
30 mins/video
Personalized subtitles
(Starter plan)
Personalized videos & thumbnails
(Starter plan)
Dynamic website scrolling in background
(Starter plan)
Personalized landing pages
(Starter plan)
Viewer-level analytics
15+ Integrations (Hubspot, Salesforce, Zapier, etc.)
Key highlights
Unlimited video recordings
Free for lifetime
Branded landing pages
Extended recording length
Record and share with our lifetime free chrome Extension

Capture your screen and camera in a single click from your browser & automate your outreach with our easy-to-use Chrome extension

Download Chrome Extension
Dynamic Backgrounds
Say no to generic outreach

Create instant connection with your prospects by showing them relevant backgrounds – their websites, LinkedIn profiles, or special offers.

Import web links in bulk and auto scroll websites as dynamic backgrounds for each viewer

(Included in the Starter plan)

Custom landing pages
Create custom landing pages

Share each video on a customized landing page and drive higher engagement and conversions effortlessly. Choose a template, make your modifications, & our platform handles the rest—personalizing millions of landing pages for each recipient with their name, your logo, brand colors, compelling CTA, etc

(Included in the Starter plan)

Try it for yourself
Schedule a demo call and get your questions answered!
Personalize videos at scale
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